Increase Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts

Increases the effectiveness of Troop Attack, Infantry Attack, Ranged Attack and Cavalry Attack from Milestone Boosts

Troop Attack from Milestone Modifier 50K%
LevelBondsRequirementsTroop Attack from Milestone ModifierPowerHero XP
219.65KIncrease Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts 11.5K%33.79M492.68M
329.35KIncrease Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts 23K%169.47M1.98B
458.95KIncrease Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts 35K%399.68M3.36B
5117.9KIncrease Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts 47.5K%692.57M4.27B
6196.25KIncrease Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts 511.5K%1.01B4.65B
7314.15KIncrease Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts 617.5K%1.45B6.36B
8431.8KIncrease Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts 725K%2.27B12.04B
9589KIncrease Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts 835K%3.49B17.72B
10785.25KIncrease Attack Boosts From Milestone Boosts 950K%5.09B23.4B
 2.55M 50K%14.61B74.27B


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