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How to Play


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#956, 00Jill 17-07-2019 06:52How can I donate multiple Trapmaster Tomes at once? The Alliance city needs several thousand to complete its research; but, I seem unable to donate more than one with each click...
#1147, Shafeeq 12-05-2018 04:28How can i star new game in ancient kingdom with new device
Wildmanatch 27-02-2018 18:25I just took over an alliance city and I am having issues updating the alliance city wall. I know it is only the R5 who can update but can’t figure out how to change the comments on the wall. Does anyone know how to do that?
Taoimean 02-07-2017 02:50I play on a tablet and suddenly my Donate button to send resources to build my Alliance City is completely hidden under chat. I can see a tiny blue sliver for the top of it, but it isn't click able. I can't scroll to it, as that section of the screen doesn't move. Any ideas how to get it back in poking range? It was partially hidden the first time I went to donate after a Marketplace upgrade split the tax and resources donated into two lines, and now it has bumped down further where I can't hit it at all,
Taiomen 08-01-2018 02:38Yes,that was easeh question:-spread screen(with two finger spreading monuvuer) u should become visible. Or just talked it till narrowly can manage hitting button.
Balthazar 01-06-2017 18:46A member of my alliance teleported into another protected kingdom (by mistake , he was trying to teleport to our hive). He's a level 10 , is he stuck there till an event or is there anyway he can get back ?
#1046, EPIC HIGH 22-04-2017 01:22Im a leader in 1046 arete. Why can we not build alliance cities?
Luce ifer 06-04-2017 11:26there are some Kingdoms that are younger than mine and have alliance cities already. how do we build them
#1004, Soul 18-03-2017 10:15Why is the R5 not aloud to teleport the city to a new location in the same kingdom...Yes i have donated advanced teleports, but it will only let my stronghold teleport. Does anyone know why?
Jaydacartel 09-10-2017 15:00Moving an Alliance City requires special Alliance City Teleports, which are available through the Alliance catalog and some special packs. Advanced Teleports only work for an Empire.
#956, QUEEN 27-02-2017 01:21I have things I can donate now and I am an alliance leader so I get asked from my members if they can donate them to me but I don't see where I can donate my things and how can they donate theirs? also is gonna be given to only the big alliances?
QUEEN 27-02-2017 01:21I have things I can donate now and I am an alliance leader so I get asked from my members if they can donate them to me but I don't see where I can donate my things and how can they donate theirs? also is gonna be given to only the big alliances?