Legion Defense & Gathering Troop Health

Increases Troop Defense for Infantry, Ranged, and Cavalry Troops when your Hero is present and increases Troop Health while gathering.

Legion Defense 2M%; Legion Defense 15K%
LevelWoodStoneFoodOreSilverTimeRequirementsGathering Troop Health BonusLegion DefensePowerHero XP
173.19T72.62T1.02B72.8T1.02B5y 13d 05h 39m 30s> 5 Year(s)-500K%150%90813.24K
2731.88KT726.17KT10.15T727.98KT10.23T50.36Ky 137d 07h 09m 48s> 50362 Year(s)Wonder and Rally Troop Health II 1900K%900%9.08M132.44M
38.94MT8.87MT124.07T8.9MT125.04T615.43Ky 85d 07h 54m 32s> 615428 Year(s)Wonder and Rally Troop Health II 21.2M%2.25K%120.06M1.62B
417.09MT16.96MT237.07T17MT238.93T1.18My 174d 09h 43m 34s> 1175961 Year(s)Wonder and Rally Troop Health II 31.4M%4.05K%332.12M3.09B
523.02MT22.84MT319.31T22.89MT321.81T1.58My 263d 20h 13m 24s> 1583896 Year(s)Wonder and Rally Troop Health II 41.5M%6.3K%617.73M4.17B
625.4MT25.2MT352.31T25.26MT355.07T1.75My 162d 04h 46m 16s> 1747574 Year(s)Wonder and Rally Troop Health II 51.6M%9K%932.86M4.6B
727.52MT27.3MT381.75T27.37MT384.74T1.89My 122d 01h 45m 50s> 1893625 Year(s)Wonder and Rally Troop Health II 61.7M%10.35K%1.27B4.98B
858.92MT58.46MT817.32T58.6MT823.72T4.05My 95d 05h 55m 54s> 4054171 Year(s)Wonder and Rally Troop Health II 71.8M%11.7K%2.01B10.66B
990.31MT89.61MT1.25KT89.83MT1.26KT6.21My 68d 10h 04m 18s> 6214717 Year(s)Wonder and Rally Troop Health II 81.9M%13.05K%3.13B16.34B
10121.71MT120.76MT1.69KT121.06MT1.7KT8.38My 41d 14h 14m 22s> 8375263 Year(s)Wonder and Rally Troop Health II 92M%15K%4.64B22.02B
 373.64MT370.72MT5.18KT371.65MT5.22KT25.71My 67d 22h 01m 10s> 25711005 Year(s) 2M%15K%13.05B67.61B


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