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Alliance City

Alliance City (General)

The Alliance City is shared by all Alliance Members. It has unique Buildings, Research, Resources, and Quests. The city requires Resources and Deeds to be created and to utilize its features. The Resources donated can be converted into new ones: Brick, Lumber, Iron, Cider, and Coin. These are required to upgrade Alliance City Buildings and Research.

The Alliance City View is similar to that of a player’s city. It contains plots of land to build unique Alliance City Buildings. There are 25 plots inside the city walls (one is already occupied by the Resource Silo) and 25 plots outside. Alliance City Buildings include the Headquarters, University, Resource Silo, Hall of Quests, Brickworks, Lumber Mill, Ironworks, Cider Mill, Mint, and many others (COMING SOON)!

An Alliance can build only 1 Alliance City.


Might is the Alliance City equivalent of Power and is primarily gained through upgrading Alliance City Buildings and Alliance City Research. The Alliance's Total Power is now equal to the sum of each Member's Power plus the Alliance City's Might, which does not directly affect a Member's Power.

Alliance City Creation

How to Donate

The creation and development of an Alliance City requires Resources and Deeds contributed by Alliance Members, who send them to the Alliance Leader, who in turn holds the donations in a specialized storage space, until enough of them have been given to begin construction.

To donate towards the creation of your Alliance city, go to your Alliance page and tap the Alliance City tab. As long as this tab displays "FUNDING IS NEEDED," your Alliance City will require more Resources and Deeds before it can be constructed.

Once your Alliance has donated sufficient Resources and Deeds to begin construction, the message displayed on this tab will change to "READY TO BUILD." Any surplus donations en route to the Alliance Leader's City will be returned. No contributions will be allowed until the Alliance City construction is complete.

Before an Alliance City is constructed, its tab displays the Resources and Deeds needed to begin building. Tap the Donate button to enter the Donate Resources page. Note: donations will require a Marketplace to send your Resources. Donations will take one March slot and possibly a long time to deliver, depending on your city's distance from your Alliance Leader's or the Alliance City. It is, therefore, recommended you Teleport near whichever city you are donating to. Prior to the construction of the Alliance City, the Alliance Leader does not require a March slot as the donations are being sent to the Alliance Leader's city.

On the following page, use the sliders to choose the amount of Resources you would like to donate towards the Alliance City’s construction. Note: any Resource donation submitted towards the Alliance City is subject to a tax. Once you are satisfied with your donation amount, tap Donate to start the March to deliver your Resources to your Alliance Leader. While any Member can donate towards their Alliance City, your Alliance Leader is the only person who can construct it.

Once constructed, it will have a ready-made Resource Silo to store all the Resources and Deeds donated towards the development of the Alliance City. You can send Resources to your Alliance City’s Resource Silo in a number of ways: by tapping your Alliance City on the Map, tapping the Resource Silo in the Alliance City View, or by tapping Alliance Resources in the Alliance City tab of the Alliance Menu.

Donate from the Map:

Donate from the Resource Silo:

Donate from the Alliance Menu:

You may also reach the Donation page by tapping the Resource bar in the Alliance City View.

Alliance City Deeds

Deeds are required to create an Alliance City. They can be ordered from the Alliance Catalog with Funds, then Members may purchase them from the Alliance Store with Loyalty and use them from the Item Menu.

Alliance City Construction

Your Alliance Leader is responsible for both the collection of Alliance City Resources and for initiating its construction.

Tap the area of the Map where you wish to establish your Alliance City. It will take up 4 squares on the Map, so ample space must be available. After that, follow the building instructions.

Note: at least 1 square must lie between two Alliance Cities, and the space along the edge of the Map must remain empty.

Alliance City Roles

All Alliance Members can access the Alliance City, but only its Leader and Rank-4 Members can manage it.

Alliance Leader's Role

In addition to all Rank-4 privileges, the Alliance Leader is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Initiate Alliance City Construction
  • More (COMING SOON)

Alliance Rank-4 Members’ (And Leader's) Role

In addition to all Rank-3 and lower-level privileges, Rank-4 Alliance Members and its Leader have the following rights:

  • Construct and Upgrade Alliance City Buildings
  • Start Alliance City Research
  • Convert Basic Resources housed in the Resource Silo into Alliance City Resources via Refineries
  • Use Alliance City-specific Items
  • More (COMING SOON)

Alliance Rank-3 and Lower-level Members' Roles

Alliance Members Rank 3 and below contribute in the following ways:

  • Donate Resources towards Alliance City construction
  • Donate Resources to the Resource Silo
  • Use Alliance City Speed-ups to fast-forward Alliance City construction and Research
  • Complete Alliance City Quests
  • More (COMING SOON)

Alliance Speed-ups

Alliance City-specific Buildings, Research, and other timer-based actions require Alliance Speed-ups. Players can use Gold to buy Alliance Speed-ups, or they can purchase them directly through Sales in the Gold Store. Speed-ups can also be ordered from the Alliance Catalog with Funds, then Members may purchase them from the Alliance Store with Loyalty. Apply Alliance Speed-ups to Alliance City timers the same way you use regular ones.

Refineries and Resource Conversion

Leaders and Rank-4 Members can create new Refined Resources via Refineries: Brickworks, Lumber Mill, Ironworks, Cider Mill, and Mint. Each converts Basic Resources into one of the five Refined Resources.

Tap the Refinery of the Resource you wish to create.

The slider bar controls the amount of Refined Resource output. As you add to the output, not only will the total amount of Refined Resources you create increase, but you will be able to finish the batch sooner. However, the Basic Resource cost per Refined Resource output unit will go up. In other words, smaller output will cost fewer Basic Resources but take more time. Larger output will use more Basic Resources but less time. Warning: when the slider is in the leftmost red area of the bar, both the Refined Resource output and Basic Resource cost are at their lowest, but production time is extremely long.

If you tap the Refine button while the slider is in the leftmost red area, you will receive a warning prompt about the selected operation.

If the slider moves toward the green area of the bar (recommended), both the Refined Resource output and Basic Resource cost will increase, and the time will decrease. While the green area of the bar is generally the advisable position, you have full control over how fast and cost-efficient your Refining process is.

Warning: if the slider shifts to the rightmost red area, Refined Resource output will be at its maximum, the time will shrink, but the Basic Resource cost will grow dramatically.

If you tap the Refine button while the slider is in the rightmost red area, you will receive a warning prompt about the selected operation.

If the Alliance City possesses insufficient Basic Resources to produce at maximum capacity, the bar will stop at the point where the available Basic Resources end. When you are satisfied with the conversion, tap the Refine button to submit your Basic Resources and start the timer to create the batch.

Alliance Secret Gift

Alliance Members can periodically collect a Secret Gift in the Alliance City. The number of available Gifts is limited, so don’t forget to pick up yours while supplies last! Availability is displayed in the Secret Gift Icon in Alliance City view. Members are restricted to 1 Secret Gift per batch, but all Gifts must be claimed in order to start the 4-hour refresh timer.



The Headquarters is equivalent to the Stronghold of a player’s city. It controls the accessibility of Building construction and upgrades, and it provides an overview of all of the Alliance City's production values and Buildings. The Alliance Leader and Rank-4 Members can also change the Alliance City’s name from this page.

Upgrading the Headquarters will unlock new Buildings and upgrades.


The University is equivalent to the Academy of a player’s city. It houses all Research performed in the Alliance City.

Only the Alliance Leader and Rank-4 Members can initiate Research in the University. The Resources used towards Research come from those created in the Refineries and housed in the Resource Silo. Rank-4+ Members must convert the Resources donated into abundant new ones for continued Research. Once Research is in queue, all Alliance Members can use Alliance Speed-ups to expedite the process. Any Research done in the University will be applied to all Members of the Alliance.

Upgrading the University will unlock new Research.

Resource Silo

The Resource Silo stores all Alliance City Resources, both donated and produced. Inside it, players donate Resources and Deeds and view those stored as well as Alliance City Resource-related Logs.

Upgrading the Resource Silo increases the maximum Donation size per March.


Refineries enable the Alliance Leader and Rank-4 Members to convert Stone, Wood, Ore, Food, and/or Silver into Brick, Lumber, Iron, Cider, and/or Coin.

Upgrading a Refinery increases conversion efficiency and rate.

Hall of Quests

The Hall of Quests houses Quests all Alliance Members can access. The quality of Quests available is random. A Member can take on 1 Quest each 6-hour Refresh period. Only the Member who starts the Quest can use Alliance Speed-ups to fast-forward it and collect on it once it is completed. Quests are a shared and limited Resource and are taken on a first-come-first-served basis, so grab one while you can. Quests refresh every 6 hours. Any uncollected or unselected quests will disappear once the list refreshes; however, quests in-progress will continue into the next 6-hour period. Remember to collect on your completed quests.

Any quest you have completed or in progress will appear at the top of the list. Completing Quests will contribute to the Alliance Gift Bar. When the bar is filled, a gift will be sent to the entire Alliance. The bar resets every 24 hours.

Upgrading the Hall of Quests will grant more Quests.


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#956, 00Jill 17-07-2019 06:52How can I donate multiple Trapmaster Tomes at once? The Alliance city needs several thousand to complete its research; but, I seem unable to donate more than one with each click...
#1147, Shafeeq 12-05-2018 04:28How can i star new game in ancient kingdom with new device
Wildmanatch 27-02-2018 18:25I just took over an alliance city and I am having issues updating the alliance city wall. I know it is only the R5 who can update but can’t figure out how to change the comments on the wall. Does anyone know how to do that?
Taoimean 02-07-2017 02:50I play on a tablet and suddenly my Donate button to send resources to build my Alliance City is completely hidden under chat. I can see a tiny blue sliver for the top of it, but it isn't click able. I can't scroll to it, as that section of the screen doesn't move. Any ideas how to get it back in poking range? It was partially hidden the first time I went to donate after a Marketplace upgrade split the tax and resources donated into two lines, and now it has bumped down further where I can't hit it at all,
Taiomen 08-01-2018 02:38Yes,that was easeh question:-spread screen(with two finger spreading monuvuer) u should become visible. Or just talked it till narrowly can manage hitting button.
Balthazar 01-06-2017 18:46A member of my alliance teleported into another protected kingdom (by mistake , he was trying to teleport to our hive). He's a level 10 , is he stuck there till an event or is there anyway he can get back ?
#1046, EPIC HIGH 22-04-2017 01:22Im a leader in 1046 arete. Why can we not build alliance cities?
Luce ifer 06-04-2017 11:26there are some Kingdoms that are younger than mine and have alliance cities already. how do we build them
#1004, Soul 18-03-2017 10:15Why is the R5 not aloud to teleport the city to a new location in the same kingdom...Yes i have donated advanced teleports, but it will only let my stronghold teleport. Does anyone know why?
Jaydacartel 09-10-2017 15:00Moving an Alliance City requires special Alliance City Teleports, which are available through the Alliance catalog and some special packs. Advanced Teleports only work for an Empire.
#956, QUEEN 27-02-2017 01:21I have things I can donate now and I am an alliance leader so I get asked from my members if they can donate them to me but I don't see where I can donate my things and how can they donate theirs? also is gonna be given to only the big alliances?
QUEEN 27-02-2017 01:21I have things I can donate now and I am an alliance leader so I get asked from my members if they can donate them to me but I don't see where I can donate my things and how can they donate theirs? also is gonna be given to only the big alliances?