Serpentine BraceletMaterialsItem Statistics | | | | | | | Ranged Attack | 2.08% | 4.31% | 6.08% | 11.27% | 18.2% | 31.5% | Strategic Cavalry Attack | 2.08% | 4.31% | 6.08% | 11.27% | 18.2% | 31.5% | Strategic Ranged Attack | 2.08% | 4.31% | 6.08% | 11.27% | 18.2% | 31.5% | Cavalry Attack | 2.08% | 4.31% | 6.08% | 11.27% | 18.2% | 31.5% | Wild Cavalry Attack | 2.08% | 4.31% | 6.08% | 11.27% | 18.2% | 31.5% | Wild Ranged Attack | 2.08% | 4.31% | 6.08% | 11.27% | 18.2% | 31.5% | March Speed | 1.25% | 2.57% | 3.64% | 6.73% | 10.88% | 18.8% |
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