Broken Promises

Equipment TypesPiece
EventThanatos 2017
ChestsThanatos (2017)
Hit from the chests
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Item Statistics

Strategic Infantry Attack2,46 - 2,95%5,28 - 6,34%8,55 - 10,26%13,67 - 16,4%20,88 - 25,06%29,17 - 35%
Infantry Attack2,46 - 2,95%5,28 - 6,34%8,55 - 10,26%13,67 - 16,4%20,88 - 25,06%29,17 - 35%
Wild Infantry Attack2,46 - 2,95%5,28 - 6,34%8,55 - 10,26%13,67 - 16,4%20,88 - 25,06%29,17 - 35%
Troop Attack Bonus1,41 - 1,69%3,02 - 3,62%4,88 - 5,86%7,81 - 9,37%11,93 - 14,32%16,67 - 20%
Strategic Troop Attack Bonus1,41 - 1,69%3,02 - 3,62%4,88 - 5,86%7,81 - 9,37%11,93 - 14,32%16,67 - 20%
Wild Troop Attack Bonus1,41 - 1,69%3,02 - 3,62%4,88 - 5,86%7,81 - 9,37%11,93 - 14,32%16,67 - 20%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Fire Orb
Wolf's Teeth
Bottled Anger
Impaler of Demons
Lacquer Box
Elegant Red Ribbon
Funeral Offering
Sigil of Power
Destruction Essence
Living Essence


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