Triumphant Lance Core

Weapon - Many souls have been claimed by this ancient blade.

Item NameGlory Seeker's Lance
Crafting RecipesVictorygod's Glory
Equipment TypesCore
EventNike 2016
ChestsNike (2016)
Hit from the chests
Set GearNike Core Set

Item Statistics

Strategic Infantry Attack7,57 - 9,08%18,05 - 21,66%29,17 - 35%46,61 - 55,93%71,24 - 85,49%100 - 120%
Infantry Attack7,57 - 9,08%18,05 - 21,66%29,17 - 35%46,61 - 55,93%71,24 - 85,49%100 - 120%
Wild Infantry Attack7,57 - 9,08%18,05 - 21,66%29,17 - 35%46,61 - 55,93%71,24 - 85,49%100 - 120%
Enemy Strategic Troop Health Debuff6,31 - 7,57%15,05 - 18,06%24,31 - 29,17%38,84 - 46,61%59,36 - 71,23%83,33 - 100%
Enemy Troop Health Debuff6,31 - 7,57%15,05 - 18,06%24,31 - 29,17%38,84 - 46,61%59,36 - 71,23%83,33 - 100%
Enemy Wild Troop Health Debuff6,31 - 7,57%15,05 - 18,06%24,31 - 29,17%38,84 - 46,61%59,36 - 71,23%83,33 - 100%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Barren Cleaver Core
Desolate Cleaver Core
Triumphant Tramplers Core
Triumphant Bascinet Core
Molten Cleaver Core
Charged Fullplate Core
Barren Sabatons Core
Majestic Mace Core
Serpopard Hide Armor Core
Underworld Pitchfork Core
Charged Rumble Core
Desolate Sabatons Core
Liberator Helm Core
Seekers Armor Core
Ouroboros Core
Seekers Edge Core
Seekers Greaves Core
Molten Sabatons Core
Charged Aegis Core


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