Triumphant Tramplers Core

Feet - Many battlefields have been traversed with these plated war boots.

Item NameGlory Seeker's Tramplers
Crafting RecipesVictorygod's Celerity
SlotFoot Armor
Equipment TypesCore
EventNike 2016
ChestsNike (2016)
Hit from the chests
Set GearNike Core Set

Item Statistics

Strategic Infantry Attack8,02 - 9,62%20,97 - 25,16%33,87 - 40,64%54,13 - 64,96%82,79 - 99,35%116,67 - 140%
Infantry Attack8,02 - 9,62%20,97 - 25,16%33,87 - 40,64%54,13 - 64,96%82,79 - 99,35%116,67 - 140%
Wild Infantry Attack8,02 - 9,62%20,97 - 25,16%33,87 - 40,64%54,13 - 64,96%82,79 - 99,35%116,67 - 140%
Enemy Strategic Troop Health Debuff5,16 - 6,19%13,49 - 16,19%21,78 - 26,14%34,81 - 41,77%53,23 - 63,88%75 - 90%
Enemy Troop Health Debuff5,16 - 6,19%13,49 - 16,19%21,78 - 26,14%34,81 - 41,77%53,23 - 63,88%75 - 90%
Enemy Wild Troop Health Debuff5,16 - 6,19%13,49 - 16,19%21,78 - 26,14%34,81 - 41,77%53,23 - 63,88%75 - 90%
Enemy Strategic Infantry Attack Debuff4,59 - 5,51%12 - 14,4%19,37 - 23,24%30,95 - 37,14%47,32 - 56,78%66,67 - 80%
Enemy Strategic Cavalry Attack Debuff4,59 - 5,51%12 - 14,4%19,37 - 23,24%30,95 - 37,14%47,32 - 56,78%66,67 - 80%
Enemy Strategic Ranged Attack Debuff4,59 - 5,51%12 - 14,4%19,37 - 23,24%30,95 - 37,14%47,32 - 56,78%66,67 - 80%
Enemy Wild Infantry Attack Debuff4,59 - 5,51%12 - 14,4%19,37 - 23,24%30,95 - 37,14%47,32 - 56,78%66,67 - 80%
Enemy Wild Cavalry Attack Debuff4,59 - 5,51%12 - 14,4%19,37 - 23,24%30,95 - 37,14%47,32 - 56,78%66,67 - 80%
Enemy Wild Ranged Attack Debuff4,59 - 5,51%12 - 14,4%19,37 - 23,24%30,95 - 37,14%47,32 - 56,78%66,67 - 80%
Enemy Infantry Attack Debuff4,59 - 5,51%12 - 14,4%19,37 - 23,24%30,95 - 37,14%47,32 - 56,78%66,67 - 80%
Enemy Cavalry Attack Debuff4,59 - 5,51%12 - 14,4%19,37 - 23,24%30,95 - 37,14%47,32 - 56,78%66,67 - 80%
Enemy Ranged Attack Debuff4,59 - 5,51%12 - 14,4%19,37 - 23,24%30,95 - 37,14%47,32 - 56,78%66,67 - 80%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Triumphant Bascinet Core


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