Slayer Spike

Ancient blades that were onced used to fell mighty beasts.

Equipment TypesPiece
EventOillipheist 2016
ChestsOillipheist (2016)
Hit from the chests

Item Statistics

Strategic Cavalry Defense1,17 - 1,4%2,72 - 3,26%4,39 - 5,27%7 - 8,4%10,7 - 12,84%15 - 18%
Cavalry Defense1,17 - 1,4%2,72 - 3,26%4,39 - 5,27%7 - 8,4%10,7 - 12,84%15 - 18%
Wild Cavalry Defense1,17 - 1,4%2,72 - 3,26%4,39 - 5,27%7 - 8,4%10,7 - 12,84%15 - 18%
Strategic Infantry Attack1,17 - 1,4%2,72 - 3,26%4,39 - 5,27%7 - 8,4%10,7 - 12,84%15 - 18%
Infantry Attack1,17 - 1,4%2,72 - 3,26%4,39 - 5,27%7 - 8,4%10,7 - 12,84%15 - 18%
Wild Infantry Attack1,17 - 1,4%2,72 - 3,26%4,39 - 5,27%7 - 8,4%10,7 - 12,84%15 - 18%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Gift From Zeus
Aether Essence
Rainbow Coral
Meteor Fragment
Solar Key
Ethereal Stone


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