Sleipnir's Horseshoe

Fitted to perfection for the celestial steed.

Equipment TypesPiece
EventOdin 2015
ChestsEthereal Odin (2015), Odin, New Years 2016, Carnival
Hit from the chests

Item Statistics

Strategic Cavalry Defense2,33 - 2,8%5,24 - 6,29%8,48 - 10,18%13,55 - 16,26%20,71 - 24,85%29 - 34,8%
Cavalry Defense2,33 - 2,8%5,24 - 6,29%8,48 - 10,18%13,55 - 16,26%20,71 - 24,85%29 - 34,8%
Wild Cavalry Defense2,33 - 2,8%5,24 - 6,29%8,48 - 10,18%13,55 - 16,26%20,71 - 24,85%29 - 34,8%
Enemy Strategic Troop Defense Debuff1,61 - 1,93%3,62 - 4,34%5,85 - 7,02%9,35 - 11,22%14,29 - 17,15%20 - 24%
Enemy Wild Troop Defense Debuff1,61 - 1,93%3,62 - 4,34%5,85 - 7,02%9,35 - 11,22%14,29 - 17,15%20 - 24%
Enemy Troop Defense Debuff1,61 - 1,93%3,62 - 4,34%5,85 - 7,02%9,35 - 11,22%14,29 - 17,15%20 - 24%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Indestructible Shackles
Cards of Fate
Whispers of Ragnarok
Persephone's Brush


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