Seekers Greaves Core

Feet - One must travel great distances to find what they are seeking.

Item NameAsgardian Greaves
Crafting RecipesEthereal Greaves
SlotFoot Armor
Equipment TypesCore
EventOdin 2015
ChestsNew Years 2016, Odin, Ethereal Odin (2015)
Hit from the chests
Set GearOdin Core Set

Item Statistics

Strategic Cavalry Attack5,6 - 6,72%11,46 - 13,75%18,55 - 22,26%29,62 - 35,54%45,22 - 54,26%63 - 75,6%
Cavalry Attack5,6 - 6,72%11,46 - 13,75%18,55 - 22,26%29,62 - 35,54%45,22 - 54,26%63 - 75,6%
Wild Cavalry Attack5,6 - 6,72%11,46 - 13,75%18,55 - 22,26%29,62 - 35,54%45,22 - 54,26%63 - 75,6%
Strategic Infantry Attack6,22 - 7,46%12,73 - 15,28%20,61 - 24,73%32,91 - 39,49%50,24 - 60,29%70 - 84%
Infantry Attack6,22 - 7,46%12,73 - 15,28%20,61 - 24,73%32,91 - 39,49%50,24 - 60,29%70 - 84%
Wild Infantry Attack6,22 - 7,46%12,73 - 15,28%20,61 - 24,73%32,91 - 39,49%50,24 - 60,29%70 - 84%
Strategic Infantry Health2,84 - 3,41%5,82 - 6,98%9,42 - 11,3%15,04 - 18,05%22,96 - 27,55%32 - 38,4%
Infantry Health2,84 - 3,41%5,82 - 6,98%9,42 - 11,3%15,04 - 18,05%22,96 - 27,55%32 - 38,4%
Wild Infantry Health2,84 - 3,41%5,82 - 6,98%9,42 - 11,3%15,04 - 18,05%22,96 - 27,55%32 - 38,4%
Strategic Cavalry Health2,44 - 2,93%5 - 6%8,09 - 9,71%12,93 - 15,52%19,74 - 23,69%27,5 - 33%
Wild Cavalry Health2,44 - 2,93%5 - 6%8,09 - 9,71%12,93 - 15,52%19,74 - 23,69%27,5 - 33%
Cavalry Health2,44 - 2,93%5 - 6%8,09 - 9,71%12,93 - 15,52%19,74 - 23,69%27,5 - 33%
Enemy Strategic Troop Health Debuff1,51 - 1,81%3,09 - 3,71%5 - 6%7,98 - 9,58%12,2 - 14,64%17 - 20,4%
Enemy Troop Health Debuff1,51 - 1,81%3,09 - 3,71%5 - 6%7,98 - 9,58%12,2 - 14,64%17 - 20,4%
Enemy Wild Troop Health Debuff1,51 - 1,81%3,09 - 3,71%5 - 6%7,98 - 9,58%12,2 - 14,64%17 - 20,4%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Seekers Edge Core


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