Emerald Scales

The beautiful scales of a rare and elegant dragon.

Equipment TypesPiece
EventEmerald Dragon 2015
ChestsEmerald Dragon (2015), New Years 2016, Carnival
Hit from the chests
MonstersEmerald Dragon

Item Statistics

Enemy Strategic Ranged Defense Debuff1,81 - 2,17%3,25 - 3,9%4,98 - 5,98%8,77 - 10,52%14,6 - 17,52%25 - 30%
Enemy Wild Ranged Defense Debuff1,81 - 2,17%3,25 - 3,9%4,98 - 5,98%8,77 - 10,52%14,6 - 17,52%25 - 30%
Enemy Ranged Defense Debuff1,81 - 2,17%3,25 - 3,9%4,98 - 5,98%8,77 - 10,52%14,6 - 17,52%25 - 30%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Lost Forging Runes
Undertaker's Remains
Oracle Amulet
Powdered Night
Jade Hairpin
Map of First Empire
Talisman Paper
Bottled Souls
Arachne Brooch
Demonic Tusks
Void Polish
Green Meteorite
Jorogumo's Leg
Ancient Spindle
Captive Star
Tomb Looter's Shovel
Voidal Incantation
Legendary Monster Chains
Mystic Chime


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