Dragon Tail Spade

This deadly dragon tail was capable of being swung with rib-shattering force.

Equipment TypesPiece
EventEmerald Dragon 2015
ChestsEmerald Dragon (2015), New Years 2016, Carnival
Hit from the chests
Do you want to specify ?
MonstersEmerald Dragon

Item Statistics

Ranged Attack1,97 - 2,36%4,23 - 5,08%6,85 - 8,22%10,94 - 13,13%16,7 - 20,04%23,33 - 28%
Strategic Ranged Attack1,97 - 2,36%4,23 - 5,08%6,85 - 8,22%10,94 - 13,13%16,7 - 20,04%23,33 - 28%
Wild Ranged Attack1,97 - 2,36%4,23 - 5,08%6,85 - 8,22%10,94 - 13,13%16,7 - 20,04%23,33 - 28%
Ranged Health1,69 - 2,03%3,63 - 4,36%5,87 - 7,04%9,38 - 11,26%14,32 - 17,18%20 - 24%
Strategic Infantry Health1,69 - 2,03%3,63 - 4,36%5,87 - 7,04%9,38 - 11,26%14,32 - 17,18%20 - 24%
Strategic Ranged Health1,69 - 2,03%3,63 - 4,36%5,87 - 7,04%9,38 - 11,26%14,32 - 17,18%20 - 24%
Infantry Health1,69 - 2,03%3,63 - 4,36%5,87 - 7,04%9,38 - 11,26%14,32 - 17,18%20 - 24%
Wild Infantry Health1,69 - 2,03%3,63 - 4,36%5,87 - 7,04%9,38 - 11,26%14,32 - 17,18%20 - 24%
Wild Ranged Health1,69 - 2,03%3,63 - 4,36%5,87 - 7,04%9,38 - 11,26%14,32 - 17,18%20 - 24%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Deep Sea Brooch
Comet Trail
Emerald Crystal


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