Earth Sigil

Despite its uniform appearance, this sigil is composed of over 100 kinds of minerals.

Equipment TypesPiece
ChestsDragon King, Leviathan (2015)
Hit from the chests
Do you want to specify ?
MonstersDragon King, Leviathan

Item Statistics

Troop Attack Bonus1,85 - 2,22%2,62 - 3,14%4,65 - 5,58%7,49 - 8,99%13,11 - 15,73%22 - 26,4%
Strategic Troop Attack Bonus1,85 - 2,22%2,62 - 3,14%4,65 - 5,58%7,49 - 8,99%13,11 - 15,73%22 - 26,4%
Wild Troop Attack Bonus1,85 - 2,22%2,62 - 3,14%4,65 - 5,58%7,49 - 8,99%13,11 - 15,73%22 - 26,4%
Strategic Infantry Defense2,94 - 3,53%4,15 - 4,98%7,39 - 8,87%11,89 - 14,27%20,86 - 25,03%35 - 42%
Infantry Defense2,94 - 3,53%4,15 - 4,98%7,39 - 8,87%11,89 - 14,27%20,86 - 25,03%35 - 42%
Wild Infantry Defense2,94 - 3,53%4,15 - 4,98%7,39 - 8,87%11,89 - 14,27%20,86 - 25,03%35 - 42%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Sunlight Amulet
Solar Lens
Daily Records
Unity Rings
Dawn Essence


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