Fisherman's Cup Core

Accessory - To keep you company at sea.

Item NameRoyal Wedding Cup
Crafting RecipesDivine Promise, Divine Promise
Equipment TypesCore
EventRyujin 2015
ChestsRa (2015), Ryujin (2015), Yamata no Orochi (2015)
Hit from the chests
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MonstersYamata no Orochi
Set GearRyujin Core Set

Item Statistics

Strategic Infantry Attack4,98 - 5,98%9,02 - 10,82%13,76 - 16,51%24,31 - 29,17%40,38 - 48,46%69,17 - 83%
Infantry Attack4,98 - 5,98%9,02 - 10,82%13,76 - 16,51%24,31 - 29,17%40,38 - 48,46%69,17 - 83%
Wild Infantry Attack4,98 - 5,98%9,02 - 10,82%13,76 - 16,51%24,31 - 29,17%40,38 - 48,46%69,17 - 83%
Strategic Troop Defense Bonus3,3 - 3,96%5,97 - 7,16%9,12 - 10,94%16,1 - 19,32%26,75 - 32,1%45,83 - 55%
Troop Defense Bonus3,3 - 3,96%5,97 - 7,16%9,12 - 10,94%16,1 - 19,32%26,75 - 32,1%45,83 - 55%
Wild Troop Defense Bonus3,3 - 3,96%5,97 - 7,16%9,12 - 10,94%16,1 - 19,32%26,75 - 32,1%45,83 - 55%
Troop Attack Bonus2,22 - 2,66%4,03 - 4,84%6,14 - 7,37%10,85 - 13,02%18 - 21,6%30,83 - 37%
Strategic Troop Attack Bonus2,22 - 2,66%4,03 - 4,84%6,14 - 7,37%10,85 - 13,02%18 - 21,6%30,83 - 37%
Wild Troop Attack Bonus2,22 - 2,66%4,03 - 4,84%6,14 - 7,37%10,85 - 13,02%18 - 21,6%30,83 - 37%
Strategic Troop Health Bonus2,1 - 2,52%3,8 - 4,56%5,8 - 6,96%10,25 - 12,3%17,03 - 20,44%29,17 - 35%
Troop Health Bonus2,1 - 2,52%3,8 - 4,56%5,8 - 6,96%10,25 - 12,3%17,03 - 20,44%29,17 - 35%
Wild Troop Health Bonus2,1 - 2,52%3,8 - 4,56%5,8 - 6,96%10,25 - 12,3%17,03 - 20,44%29,17 - 35%


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Vixen 30-01-2016 12:44I've seen cores that are "aged". For instance, Aged Royal Wedding Cup. What makes it aged?
Oleg 30-01-2016 13:04Time duration for the core increase Crafting research
Oleg 30-01-2016 12:54May be you talk about crafting cores on prescription?