Fisherman's Sandals Core

Feet - A fisherman doesn't need fancy boots for they will weigh him down and scare all the fish.

Item NameRoyal Sea Sandals
Crafting RecipesDivine Journey, Divine Journey
SlotFoot Armor
Equipment TypesCore
EventRyujin 2015
ChestsRa (2015), Ryujin (2015), Yamata no Orochi (2015)
Hit from the chests
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MonstersYamata no Orochi
Set GearRyujin Core Set

Item Statistics

Strategic Troop Defense Bonus4,69 - 5,63%6,3 - 7,56%11,57 - 13,88%18,28 - 21,94%32,42 - 38,9%54,17 - 65%
Troop Defense Bonus4,69 - 5,63%6,3 - 7,56%11,57 - 13,88%18,28 - 21,94%32,42 - 38,9%54,17 - 65%
Wild Troop Defense Bonus4,69 - 5,63%6,3 - 7,56%11,57 - 13,88%18,28 - 21,94%32,42 - 38,9%54,17 - 65%
Strategic Infantry Attack3,39 - 4,07%4,56 - 5,47%8,36 - 10,03%13,22 - 15,86%23,44 - 28,13%39,17 - 47%
Infantry Attack3,39 - 4,07%4,56 - 5,47%8,36 - 10,03%13,22 - 15,86%23,44 - 28,13%39,17 - 47%
Wild Infantry Attack3,39 - 4,07%4,56 - 5,47%8,36 - 10,03%13,22 - 15,86%23,44 - 28,13%39,17 - 47%
Troop Attack Bonus1,66 - 1,99%2,23 - 2,68%4,1 - 4,92%6,47 - 7,76%11,47 - 13,76%19,17 - 23%
Strategic Troop Attack Bonus1,66 - 1,99%2,23 - 2,68%4,1 - 4,92%6,47 - 7,76%11,47 - 13,76%19,17 - 23%
Wild Troop Attack Bonus1,66 - 1,99%2,23 - 2,68%4,1 - 4,92%6,47 - 7,76%11,47 - 13,76%19,17 - 23%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

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