Behemoth Armor Core

Armor - The armor leaves room to show off your Behemoth vanity muscles.

Item NameBehemoth Armor
Crafting RecipesArmor of Monstrosity
Equipment TypesCore
EventMythic Behemoth 2015
ChestsMythic Behemoth (2015), Mythic Core Health
Hit from the chests
MonstersMythic Behemoth

Item Statistics

Ranged Attack8,49 - 10,19%9,96 - 11,95%20,05 - 24,06%30,07 - 36,08%55,07 - 66,08%91 - 109,2%
Strategic Ranged Attack8,49 - 10,19%9,96 - 11,95%20,05 - 24,06%30,07 - 36,08%55,07 - 66,08%91 - 109,2%
Wild Ranged Attack8,49 - 10,19%9,96 - 11,95%20,05 - 24,06%30,07 - 36,08%55,07 - 66,08%91 - 109,2%
Enemy Strategic Infantry Defense Debuff3,73 - 4,48%4,37 - 5,24%8,81 - 10,57%13,22 - 15,86%24,2 - 29,04%40 - 48%
Enemy Wild Infantry Defense Debuff3,73 - 4,48%4,37 - 5,24%8,81 - 10,57%13,22 - 15,86%24,2 - 29,04%40 - 48%
Enemy Infantry Defense Debuff3,73 - 4,48%4,37 - 5,24%8,81 - 10,57%13,22 - 15,86%24,2 - 29,04%40 - 48%


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imadhy 22-05-2016 17:07Fix this core, it's infantry defense debuff not infantry attack debuff