Nyx & Moneta ChestNyx & Moneta Chest Includes Everything Shown:Endless Scroll Poet's Inspiration Ancient Parchment Stilled Breath Green Meteorite Powdered Night Memory Silk Nightbird's Feather Captive Star Shell of Memory Condensed Shadow Forgotten Sword Core Forgotten Chestplate Core Forgotten Helm Core Forgotten Shield Core Forgotten Greaves Core Shrouded Visor Core Shrouded Blade Core Shrouded Chestguard Core Shrouded Shield Core Shrouded Greaves Core Unwritten Slab .CommentsReply ImSomebody 28-05-2017 15:42So once you get the items, how do you craft them? Where is the crafting recipe? And say you get a whole set from a package-why doesn't it appear in your inventory? Reply |