Fortune Chest

Fortune Chest

Includes Everything Shown:

Diamond Geode
Scarlet Gem
Oracle Amulet
White Fireball
Turquoise Fireball
Tumultuous Orb
Eyes of Intellect
Dragon Hilt
Ancient Stylus
Iron Ore
Iron Spike
Yellow Fireball
Bottled Sunfire
Enchanted Bolt
Green Fireball
Gold Ribbon
Imperial Bronze
Imperial Cloth
Imperial Gold
Soul Stone
King's Ore
Red Dye
Red Fireball
Hydra Blood
Goblet of Souls
Mummy Wrapping
Fire Rune
Fire Glass
Olympus Plating
Orange Fireball
Cronos Remnant
Rhea Remnant
Shadow Sigil
Trapped Soul
Haunted Cloth
Molten Lava
Pink Fireball
Rose Gem
Ruby Geode
Hephaestus Ore
Defense Gem
Trap Gem
Minotaur Gem
Voyager's Gem
Dragonfire Gem
Harvest Gem
Gem of Honor
Lead Ore
Holy Cloth
Blue Fireball
Purple Fireball
Mind Figure
Body Figure
Raven Idol
Essence of Frost
Essence of Darkness
Titanium Scraps
Elysium Cloth
Ears of Acumen
Lantern of Souls
Fulgurite Ore
Hallows Gem
Fragment of Night
Minotaur Skull
Black Fireball
Black Sand
Medusa Scale
Pure Lightning
Elite Defense Gem
Savage Emblem
Pandora's Box


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