Rally and Wonder Banner

Gain a Troop Attack and Troop Health bonus when leading a Rally or Holding the Wonder.

Duration:03m 00s05m 00s10m 00s15m 00s30m 00s01h 00m 00s
Cooldown:3d 00h 00m 00s1d 00h 00m 00s08h 00m 00s04h 00m 00s02h 00m 00s30m 00s
Wonder Holding Troop Health Bonus1%4%16%64%250%1K%
Rally Health Bonus1%4%16%64%250%1K%
Wonder Holding Troop Attack Bonus0.5%2%8%30%125%500%
Rally Attack Bonus0.5%2%8%30%125%500%


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