English / Home Game of War - Guide, description, help for the game / English versionHere you will find a complete description of all materials, gems, equipment and other useful information.
.CommentsReply d3adkenedys 04-01-2017 17:52 0 d3adkenedys 04-01-2017 17:48 is it just me or is the Oracles set gear better by 4% than the new Inquisitors set ? (both Gemmed using recommended gems) Reply Kelly 04-01-2017 04:01How do you get brass rods? Reply Red 15-12-2016 17:37How do you find crystal fragments or where are they located at/in Reply Josie821 22-12-2016 19:53Unfortunately, I've only received them through cash purchases of packages from the gold store Reply Samuel Vanon 07-12-2016 03:34Türkiye için satılık hesap 100 milyar güç. 20 milyar sadece araştırma gücü sonçıkan set ekipmanları. Tüm çekirdekler. Kaynak ve herşey tonlarca. irtibat. Oyunda. Samuel Vanon Reply Acs 27-11-2016 16:42How we can login ? Reply Josie821 22-12-2016 19:57Only by creating an "MZ" account, from the + tab on the menu at the bottom of your screen. Reply #240, Nefret 26-11-2016 19:27Hi all. This is new for cores. We trap castle what do. Help pls ) Reply Hammad 24-11-2016 14:08I won the neema avatar in a mystery chest and it says I still have not earned it I should go to gold store and buy a pack. Please help. Reply Josie821 22-12-2016 19:59I would contact support from the + tab in the menu. Reply #190, carabs 18-11-2016 19:38The issue with the shrinking screen seems to have been fixed with the last update. Reply |