Rainbow Coral

Harvested from the sea to cover a spectrum of maladies.

Equipment TypesPiece
EventPisces 2016
ChestsPisces (2016)
Hit from the chests

Item Statistics

Strategic Cavalry Defense2,16 - 2,59%4,54 - 5,45%7,34 - 8,81%11,73 - 14,08%17,91 - 21,49%25 - 30%
Cavalry Defense2,16 - 2,59%4,54 - 5,45%7,34 - 8,81%11,73 - 14,08%17,91 - 21,49%25 - 30%
Wild Cavalry Defense2,16 - 2,59%4,54 - 5,45%7,34 - 8,81%11,73 - 14,08%17,91 - 21,49%25 - 30%
Ranged Health1,51 - 1,81%3,17 - 3,8%5,13 - 6,16%8,2 - 9,84%12,53 - 15,04%17,5 - 21%
Strategic Ranged Health1,51 - 1,81%3,17 - 3,8%5,13 - 6,16%8,2 - 9,84%12,53 - 15,04%17,5 - 21%
Wild Ranged Health1,51 - 1,81%3,17 - 3,8%5,13 - 6,16%8,2 - 9,84%12,53 - 15,04%17,5 - 21%
Strategic Infantry Attack1,08 - 1,3%2,27 - 2,72%3,67 - 4,4%5,86 - 7,03%8,96 - 10,75%12,5 - 15%
Infantry Attack1,08 - 1,3%2,27 - 2,72%3,67 - 4,4%5,86 - 7,03%8,96 - 10,75%12,5 - 15%
Wild Infantry Attack1,08 - 1,3%2,27 - 2,72%3,67 - 4,4%5,86 - 7,03%8,96 - 10,75%12,5 - 15%


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