Astral Armor Core

Armor - Armor forged in the light of the stars.

Item NameStarwalker's Armor
Crafting RecipesAscended Body
Equipment TypesCore
EventOrion 2015
ChestsOrion (2015), Turkey Dragon (2015)
Hit from the chests
Set GearOrion Core Set

Item Statistics

Ranged Attack3,9 - 4,68%7,59 - 9,11%12,3 - 14,76%19,64 - 23,57%29,98 - 35,98%41,67 - 50%
Strategic Infantry Attack3,9 - 4,68%7,59 - 9,11%12,3 - 14,76%19,64 - 23,57%29,98 - 35,98%41,67 - 50%
Strategic Ranged Attack3,9 - 4,68%7,59 - 9,11%12,3 - 14,76%19,64 - 23,57%29,98 - 35,98%41,67 - 50%
Infantry Attack3,9 - 4,68%7,59 - 9,11%12,3 - 14,76%19,64 - 23,57%29,98 - 35,98%41,67 - 50%
Wild Infantry Attack3,9 - 4,68%7,59 - 9,11%12,3 - 14,76%19,64 - 23,57%29,98 - 35,98%41,67 - 50%
Wild Ranged Attack3,9 - 4,68%7,59 - 9,11%12,3 - 14,76%19,64 - 23,57%29,98 - 35,98%41,67 - 50%
Ranged Defense3,43 - 4,12%6,68 - 8,02%10,82 - 12,98%17,28 - 20,74%26,38 - 31,66%36,67 - 44%
Strategic Ranged Defense3,43 - 4,12%6,68 - 8,02%10,82 - 12,98%17,28 - 20,74%26,38 - 31,66%36,67 - 44%
Wild Ranged Defense3,43 - 4,12%6,68 - 8,02%10,82 - 12,98%17,28 - 20,74%26,38 - 31,66%36,67 - 44%
Strategic Infantry Defense3,12 - 3,74%6,07 - 7,28%9,84 - 11,81%15,71 - 18,85%23,98 - 28,78%33,33 - 40%
Wild Infantry Defense3,12 - 3,74%6,07 - 7,28%9,84 - 11,81%15,71 - 18,85%23,98 - 28,78%33,33 - 40%
Infantry Defense3,12 - 3,74%6,07 - 7,28%9,84 - 11,81%15,71 - 18,85%23,98 - 28,78%33,33 - 40%
Enemy Strategic Troop Attack Debuff2,19 - 2,63%4,26 - 5,11%6,89 - 8,27%11,01 - 13,21%16,79 - 20,15%23,33 - 28%
Enemy Wild Troop Attack Debuff2,19 - 2,63%4,26 - 5,11%6,89 - 8,27%11,01 - 13,21%16,79 - 20,15%23,33 - 28%
Enemy Troop Attack Debuff2,19 - 2,63%4,26 - 5,11%6,89 - 8,27%11,01 - 13,21%16,79 - 20,15%23,33 - 28%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Astral Helm Core
Astral Ring Core


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