Snake Totem

The snake is a symbol of healing, rebirth and resurrection.

Equipment TypesPiece
EventSerpopard 2015
ChestsSerpopard (2015)
Hit from the chests
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Item Statistics

Enemy Strategic Troop Health Debuff1,68 - 2,02%2,37 - 2,84%4,22 - 5,06%6,79 - 8,15%11,92 - 14,3%20 - 24%
Enemy Troop Health Debuff1,68 - 2,02%2,37 - 2,84%4,22 - 5,06%6,79 - 8,15%11,92 - 14,3%20 - 24%
Enemy Wild Troop Health Debuff1,68 - 2,02%2,37 - 2,84%4,22 - 5,06%6,79 - 8,15%11,92 - 14,3%20 - 24%
Strategic Troop Health Bonus1,68 - 2,02%2,37 - 2,84%4,22 - 5,06%6,79 - 8,15%11,92 - 14,3%20 - 24%
Troop Health Bonus1,68 - 2,02%2,37 - 2,84%4,22 - 5,06%6,79 - 8,15%11,92 - 14,3%20 - 24%
Wild Troop Health Bonus1,68 - 2,02%2,37 - 2,84%4,22 - 5,06%6,79 - 8,15%11,92 - 14,3%20 - 24%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Valkyries' Invocation
Bottle of Sunshine
Fire Salts
Captured Soul
Ravaging Plague
Decaying Flesh
Seal of War
Sign of Leo


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