Ice Crystal Core

Accessory - Show them who’s boss – make it crystal-clear.

Item NameHades Crystal
Equipment TypesCore
ChestsCerberus, Mythic Core Health
Hit from the chests

Item Statistics

Strategic Troop Defense Bonus7 - 8,4%15,69 - 18,83%21,22 - 25,46%40,45 - 48,54%64,33 - 77,2%112 - 134,4%
Troop Defense Bonus7 - 8,4%15,69 - 18,83%21,22 - 25,46%40,45 - 48,54%64,33 - 77,2%112 - 134,4%
Wild Troop Defense Bonus7 - 8,4%15,69 - 18,83%21,22 - 25,46%40,45 - 48,54%64,33 - 77,2%112 - 134,4%
Strategic Cavalry Attack4,88 - 5,86%10,93 - 13,12%14,79 - 17,75%28,18 - 33,82%44,81 - 53,77%78 - 93,6%
Wild Cavalry Attack4,88 - 5,86%10,93 - 13,12%14,79 - 17,75%28,18 - 33,82%44,81 - 53,77%78 - 93,6%
Cavalry Attack4,63 - 5,56%10,37 - 12,44%14,03 - 16,84%26,73 - 32,08%42,51 - 51,01%74 - 88,8%

Similar (have all of the above boosts)

Hypnotic Steel Core
Shrouded Greaves Core
Shrouded Blade Core
Shrouded Chestguard Core
Swine Bone Boot Core
Frozen Helm Core
Nine Dragon Trident Core
Frozen Great Spear Core
Frozen Battle Kilt Core
Harpy Comb Core
Winged Greaves Core
Blinded Eye Core
Belt of Strength Core
Frozen Breastplate Core
Ancient Garb Core


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